Welcome to MissionMD

Concierge travel medicine services for Latter-Day Saint missionaries

Welcome to MissionMD!

At MissionMD, we are dedicated to ensuring that every missionary receives the care, guidance, and medications they need, no matter where they serve. We make it possible to take the doctor with you.


Personalized health consultations prior to departure.

Medical oversight and guidance for the duration of your service.

Information, advisement, and risks associated with the area of service.

Direct support for missionaries and their families during service.

Your Mission Medicine Solution

MissionMD is a pioneering telehealth- based concierge medical service tailored specifically for LDS missionaries. Recognizing the unique healthcare needs of missionaries serving in various locations worldwide, Mission MD provides an invaluable resource by combining immediate access to medical professionals with specialized medical packs designed for their missions.

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We’ve made connecting with an experienced 
travel physician easy. 

Try it out for yourself at MissionMD.com